FBI Releases 2022 Law Enforcement Suicide Data

In 2020, the Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection Act (LESDC Act) was enacted to better understand the factors related to law enforcement officer suicides and attempted suicides. The Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection (LESDC), managed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), provides law enforcement agencies with a system to report data about officers who have died by or attempted suicide. For the FBI’s inaugural release of this information, as an infographic, twenty-two agencies from law enforcement, corrections, telecommunications, and the judicial system provided data for 2022 Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection. The LESDC Act requires the collection of certain data such as:

  • circumstances and events that occurred before each incident
  • general location of each event
  • demographic information of the law enforcement officer
  • occupational category of each law enforcement officer
  • any wellness or counseling resources the reporting agency offers

Sadly, the 2022 data showed 32 suicides and 9 attempted suicides, mostly by use of a firearm in a residence. Every individual who died by suicide and five who attempted suicide was identified as male. Most of those individuals were active duty, sworn law enforcement officers.

For additional information, please visit the HSDL resources about suicide and law enforcement or the LESDC.

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