2019 Global Peace Index Released

Blue map of the world with flags representing the members of the Group of 20The Institute for Economics and Peace  has released the 2019 Global Peace Index (GPI), which ranks the level of peacefulness for over 160 independent states and territories around the world. The study measures peacefulness “using three thematic domains: the level of Societal Safety and Security; the extent of Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict; and the degree of Militarisation.”

The report provides the overall peacefulness rankings among studied countries, trends being observed over time, and an examination of the economic impact of violence.  The report also analyzes the transformational effects of positive peace, and the foundation necessary for that peace to be attained. Positive peace is defined as “the attitudes, institutions & structures that create and sustain peaceful societies,” versus negative peace, which is simply “the absence of violence or fear of violence.”

Despite slight improvement from the 2018 GPI to 2019, the average level of peacefulness has been deteriorating worldwide since 2008, with the gap between the most and least peaceful countries growing over time. Overall, Europe ranks highest as the world’s most peaceful region, and Iceland is the world’s most peaceful country. Conversely, the Middle East and North Africa is measured to be the lease peaceful region, with Afghanistan as the world’s least peaceful country.

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